Question: How can you relate the testimonials with each other in the light of the hate discourses used in Europe; Africa and America ?
Answer testimonial 1:
In the elections of 2016 for president of U.S.A there were two candidates; Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. For the elections there were different points of views, for example an American Lady in Michigan; who is a woman in the United States that was justifying her vote for Trump because she thinks that Trump will make all the Latin Americans and Muslims to return their countries, and she needs someone to say no .And also that apparently '''Latin Americans and Muslims want her grandchild to work for them" so she will not accept that.
Mantein their families, they are not saying that Americans have to work for them, what is true is that Trump said that for people to vote for him. Many people in the United States of America think Latin Americans and Muslims are invading their country because they are taking their jobs and the same with the ideals that Latin Americans and Muslims have , so is happening something very similar to the Apartheid because Americans are segregating and expelling people just because its nationalities, races and ideals.
Answer testimonial 2:
The Apartheid was a system that segregated the black people in South Africa and Namibia that went from 1955 to 1994 and it was called like this because it means separation in afrikáans. In this system black people in South Africa were considered blame because of exterminating white people, and segregated because of his black skin color. Nelson Mandela played an important role in the Apartheid because he and the African National Congress made the freedom Charter that was a core of principles that talks about equal rights for the black people and also white people.
A part of the Freedom Charter says:"Every man and Woman shall have the right to vote for and to stand as a candidate for all bodies wich make laws...".
- Movie "Goodbye Bafana"
- Book "Empire Tales''
- Freedom Charter
- Discussions hel in class